
B.Sc. Biotechnology


Biotechnology has become the latest sunrise in the Indian as well as World economy, as it is fast gaining around to be at par with the informationtechnology sector.Biotechnology is often referred to genetic engineering technology of the 21st century; however, the term encompasses a wider range and history of procedures for modifying biological organisms according to the needs of humanity, going back to initial modifications of native plants into improved food crops through artificial selection and hybridization. Bio-Technology is a research oriented science, a combination of Biology and Technology. It covers a wide variety of subjects like Genetics, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Immunology, Virology, Chemistry and Engineering and is also concerned with many other subjects like Health and Medicine, Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, Cropping system and Crop Management, Ecology, Cell Biology, Soil science and Soil Conservation, Bio-statistics, Plant Physiology, Seed Technology etc. Bio-Technology is the use of living things, especially cells and bacteria in industrial process.

Job Opportunities: Pharmaceutical companies, Agriculture oriented companies, Genetic engineering Cloning Medicine producing companies Chemical industries Research works on various fields related to agriculture, crops, drugs, etc Animal husbandry Health care Drug Inspector, Food Inspector Drug and Pharmaceutical research, Environment control, Waste management, Energy, Food processing & Bio-Processing Industries, Tanning Industries. etc

Course Curriculum Information

  • Course Duration: Three Year (Six Semester Exam) Degree Course
  • Eligibility: H.S.C (12th Standard) from Science stream OR MCVC from Maharashtra State Board of Secondary & Higher secondary education, Pune, or any other examination equivalent thereto.
  • Intake Capacity: 60 Seats
  • Passing Criteria: In order to pass the examination of B. Sc. Bio Technology, a candidate must secure atleast 40% of marks in each paper (theory & sessional together) & Project work as well as 50 % in aggregate of three years.


Sr. NoSub codeSubject nameTheorySessionalPractical
Semester I
1IPhysical Chemistry5050
2II-OICOrganic & Inorganic chemistry5050
3III-MCDMicrobial Cell & diversity5050
7LC-IOrganic and inorganic Chemestry5050
9LC-IIIInstrumentation and techniques5050
Semester II
10VII-OICOrganic Chemistry5050
11VIII-IPCInorganic & Physical chemistry5050
12IX-MGCMicrobial growth & Control5050
16LC-IVInorganic and Physical Chemestry5050
17LC-VBiostatistics and Mathematics5050
18LC-VIBiomolecules and Macromolecules5050


Sr. NoSub codeSubject nameTheorySessionalPractical
Semester III
19XIII-BIMBasics of immunology5050
20XIV-GVGGeneral Virology5050
21XV-DVBDevelopmental Biology5050
22XVI-CSIChromosome structure and Inheritance5050
23XVII-BEZBasics of Enzymology5050
24XVIII-APLAnimal physiology5050
25LC-VIIImmunology and Virology5050
26LC-VIIIInheritance and Development Biology5050
27LC-IXEnzymology and Animal Physiology5050
Semester IV
28XIX-CBGCell Biology5050
29XX-PPLPlant Physiology5050
31XXII-CDGCentral Dogma5050
32XXIII-AEZAdvanced Enzymology5050
33XXIV-AIGAdvanced Immunology5050
34LC-XCell Biology and Plant Physiology5050
35LC-XIGenetics and central dogma5050


Sr. NoSub codeSubject nameTheorySessionalPractical
Semester V
37XXV-REGRegulation of gene expression5050
38XXVI-ITBIntroduction to Bio-informatics5050
39XXVII-PGEPrinciples of Genetic Engineering5050
40XXVIII-FDPFermentation Design and Process5050
41XXIX-PTCPlant Tissue Culture5050
42XXX-CBCClinical Biochemistry5050
43LC-XIVGene Expression & Basic Bioinformatics5050
44LC-XIVGenetics  Engineering and Fermentation5050
45LC-XVPlant tissue culture and clinical Biochemistry5050
Semester VI
46XXXII-GNPGenomics and Proteomics5050
47XXXIII-RDTRecombinant DNA technology5050
48XXXIV-FTCFermentation Technology5050
50XXXVIMetabolism of Macromolecules5050
51XXXVIIEcology and Evolution5050
52LC-XVIRDT & Fermenntation Technology5050
53LC-XVIIMetabolism, Ecology and Evolution5050
54LC-XVIIIDissertation in Lieu of Genomics-Proteomics and Bioethics5050


RMLI College Of Bioscience & Technology

Registration Form

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